Reconstruction of the Big Roundel on the I/11 Road, Havířov
A reconstruction of the existing roundel into which the following roads are connected: I/11 Ostravská road (towards Ostrava), Hlavní třída (towards Těrlicko), II/475 Orlovská road (towards Karviná) and local roads which names are U Nádraží (towards Šumbark), Železničářů and U Koupaliště. A change in lane lines in the crossing using a system of horizontal signs so that only one lane is provided in some parts of the crossing, while in other ones up to three lanes are provided. Further, new traffic light systems are provided in three of the crossings with the most heavy traffic, i.e. at the entrance from Hlavní třída and entrances from the U nádraží and Ostravská roads; further, new pavements, cycle tracks, and relaying of public lights, are provided.
CLIENT: | Statutory City of Havířov |
- Planning permit documentation;
- Building permit documentation;
- Execution permit documentation;
- Engineering;
- Author´s supervision for the building works duration