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  1. Each Company employee is a co-creator of the Company success.
  2. Our successes are successes of each of the Company employees. Any Company failure should become a challenge for our employees to remove the failure causes.
  3. The efficient functioning is based on improvement in mutual communication level and openness, observation of technological  discipline, and Company working procedures.
  4. Our Company management suggests that employees respect their superiors, and vice versa.
  5. Problems addressing is not a matter of top management of our Company but it is a common task of all Company employees.
  6. Mutual tolerance and respectability is a base for functioning of smooth and good relations among  people at the workplace; the same applies for relations to customers.
  7. Most usually, optimal work results are only reached by satisfied employees succeeding to keep a balance between their employment and private lives.

Ing. Martin Zuštík

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