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A key business subject covers particularly designing and engineering works currently in cooperation with subsidiary companies  BP projekt s.r.o. and Architema s.r.o. We provide all our clients with professional, economical and quick services which applies also for the biggest investment projects. The qualification and professionalism of our employees provide top quality and smooth implementation of your investment projects. Our Company acts also as a consultant and support for many investors both in the Czech Republic and abroad.

We focus particularly on development of industrial zones, industrial buildings, energy buildings, public and civil buildings. However, also work with engineering buildings, construction of water works, ecological buildings, and regeneration of brownfields.

We have implemented hundreds of projects in the Czech Republic and abroad. The Company has been operating based on its more then a sixty-year tradition;  currently we cooperate with tens of foreign contractors and clients. We are able to apply requirements defined in standards and regulations in most countries all over the world.

Our Company represents a client and, upon its request, it acts on its behalf at any and all proceedings and processes.

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The industry restructuring taking place within a large part of Central and Eastern Europe has resulted into occurrence of numerous foreign investors and thus also new technologies. Large industrial zones are built comprising industrial buildings, particularly for the automotive industry and light industry, most recently comprising also logistic centers and warehouses.

In relation to development of new production capacities in existing industrial areas, also existing utility media sources should be reconstructed to higher quality parameters. We take part also in this activity.

Reference Industry


Project development of industrial zones is one of key designs prepared by the company  Technoprojekt. It covers preparation of industrial zones for particular investors  – big companies, or preparation of industrial zones for following offers to minor investors.

Reference Industrial zones


This covers mostly power stations of various output or type as well as  heating plants.

Our specialists are ready to prepare  an optimal design not only for energy building but also related buildings  – desulphurization, dust removal, flue ash removal,  denitrification, and so on. An analysis of heating distribution networks then  enables to optimize investment and operation of heating plants.

Reference Energy buildings


Project development of public and civil buildings is another part of designing activities provided by the company Technoprojekt. The project development of public and civil buildings is provided in all phases of project documentation needed for legislative permits of public and civil buildings, including the environment impact assessment study completion.

Reference Public and civil buildings


Engineering buildings or also engineering networks comprising of sewerage systems, water mains, gas conduits, telecommunication, and electric power cables. However, also transport connections should be comprised – roads, parking areas, bridges, and railway sidings. This coves e.g. project documentations for internal and external networks within industrial zones.

Reference Engineering buildings


The effort to reuse areas influenced by previous industrial activities – so-called brownfields, is one of current trends. In this relation, the impact is put on ecological buildings, particularly projects aimed to land reclamation  and decontamination.

The waste management is another environment protection issue. This issue has been paid quite a great attention most recently.  The aim is to reduce numbers of unauthorized , not secured and hazardous landfills.

Reference Ecological buildings


Brownfields are sites and  buildings for industrial, agricultural, construction or other activity having been used  in the past. Currently, they present places not being used or used only partially, or some replacing activity is carried out there. We offer to search and determine  the best possible site  utilization supported by economic  studies, project documentation completion in all phases, engineering, and subsidy arrangement.

Reference regeneration of Brownfields


Water works (waste water treatment plants, water treatment plants, sewerage, water mains, flows control) are executed as individual works served as a part of  infrastructure of  towns, cities and rural  areas,  or also as related building infrastructure. Most usually, our customers require water management designs in relation to a particular industrial zone and/or industrial building.

Reference water works